domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


  1. Rosevelt singers: heavy reggae: johnny reggae
  2. Funky brown: african
  3. J.D the rock: super bad
  4. Joe higgs: lay a foudation
  5. The circles: mammy blue
  6. Exodus: julia sees me
  7. Joe higgs: world is spinning around
  8. Twinnkle brothers: the happy song
  9. Joe higgs: wave of war
  10. King reggie: funny man
  11. Jumbo stering: my sugar y sweets
  12. Errol t: I need you now
  13. Exodus: pharoah´s walk
  14. Pooch Jakson Y Harry J All Stars: king of the roald
  15. Jackie Rowland: lay a foundation
  16. Jumbo Sterlin: slave driver
  17. Lloyd The Matador: the train
  18. Montego Melon: swant lake
  19. Nyah Earth: knight of the long knives

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